Community Engagement

“Equality means more than passing laws. The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts.”

Barbara Gittings

Equality Starts with Visibility

People who are LGBTQ+ and their families deserve to be safe and secure, no matter where they live, work, study, pray or play. Through our mission of support, education, and advocacy, Indy PFLAG works to make sure that all communities provide this type of security by engaging with those communities.

With the expansion of LGBTQ+ organizations in the 21st century, it is equally crucial for Indy PFLAG to show up, support, and engage with LGBTQ+ community members and organizations in the Indy area. Just as LGBTQ+ people need to be visible, we believe it is crucial for straight allies and loved ones to support the LGBTQ+ community visibly.


Community engagement for us is about building bridges with people by connecting them to the core of our work.

  • Marching in the Indy Pride Parade each year with an accompanying booth at the festival. This is an excellent opportunity for straight allies and loved ones of LGBTQ+ people to meet us and learn about our work.

  • One of the most meaningful ways to engage with the community is through joint advocacy. Indy PFLAG has a long history of collaborating with other organizations to advance LGBTQ+ right across Indiana. Through advocacy, we are using our voices to be visible allies. 

  • Through our peer-to-peer support group meetings, events, and learning sessions, we provide a space that enables members and newcomers to learn and grow together. We believe that while everyone has their own path towards acceptance, Indy PFLAG can provide a community space that enhances that journey.



